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S.54 pres | Stefano Reis · Italy | Po1ny | Daso | 28.05.2022 SB

sobota, 28 maja 2022
Start: 22:00 - 05:00

S.54 pres
Stefano Riso, name of art Stefano Reis, is an italian dj and producer of techno music.
At the age of seventeen he takes the first steps into the world of clubbing, and let the people of Genova and nearby area know him.
The young producer published get up, loudbit e rocking in collaboration with laros, you can find these songs on different very important foreign channels.
Between a huge lists of collaborations stands out the one with Luca Debonaire, an incredible international dj, for the track the ultimate. Then in 2012 became the resident dj in Le Terrazze Disco, Portovenre italy.
Then started a work relationship with th great master Andrea Boccelli, Reis had the pleasure to play in a lot of his private party.
Suddenly another influent disco of la spezia il Papilio take him as resident dj, during this experience he played with many artists as Cirillo, Saccoman, Ralf, Mike Vale, Diego Donati, Joy Chiticonti,Paul Van Dyk, Ricky Le Roy, Federico Scavo.
He played all around italy like Ancona, Misano, Treviso, Brescia, Cuneo, Bologna, Padova, Rovigo e Ferrara, and even played in Eden Ibiza.
Two important dates: 4/6 he published for Atomizer Recordings in the music and 9/7 the last song published, full of dynamic energy, House In The night.

Stefano Reis ( Italy )

Life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with music.
reservations: 730 500 836 or DM
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Artyści Sceny54

Stefano Reis (Italy)


Stefano Riso, name of art Stefano Reis, is an italian dj and producer of techno music. At the age of seventeen he takes the first steps into the world of clubbing, and let the people of Genova and nearby area know him. The young producer published get up, loudbit e rocking in collaboration with laros, you can find these songs on different very important foreign channels. Between a huge lists of collaborations stands out the one with Luca Debonaire, an incredible international dj, for the track the ultimate. Then in 2012 became the resident dj in Le Terrazze Disco, Portovenre italy. Then started a work relationship with th great master Andrea Boccelli, Reis had the pleasure to play in a lot of his private party. Suddenly another influent disco of la spezia il Papilio take him as resident dj, during this experience he played with many artists as Cirillo, Saccoman, Ralf, Mike Vale, Diego Donati, Joy Chiticonti,Paul Van Dyk, Ricky Le Roy, Federico Scavo. He played all around italy like Ancona, Misano, Treviso, Brescia, Cuneo, Bologna, Padova, Rovigo e Ferrara, and even played in Eden Ibiza. Two important dates: 4/6 he published for Atomizer Recordings in the music and 9/7 the last song published, full of dynamic energy, House In The night.



Po1ny - czyli Marcin Żmudzki. Reprezentant południowej cześci naszego kraju. Fascynat i propagator dobrego House Music od 2010 roku. Najlepiej czuje się w gatunkach deep house, nu disco, classic house, vocal house oraz 2step i uk garage. Jego live sety to muzyka house od lat 90 po obecne numery które sam selekcjonuje i mixuje. Totalna nieprzewidywalność i duża odwaga przy selekcji potrafią zaskakiwać odbiorców wprowadzając stan totalnej nie przewidywalności i niesztampowości. W połączeniu z bardzo szybkim stylem miksowania utworów, niesamowitym wigorem i charyzmą za konsolą efekt pozostaje jeden - masa pozytywnej energii przekazywana klubowiczom i świetne w odbiorze imprezy. Obecnie gra w najlepszych klubach na terenie całego kraju gdzie stale oddany House Music robi to co najbardziej czyli zaraża miłością to klubowej muzyki. Najczęściej można go spotkać na Śląskiej scenie klubowej m.in w katowickich klubach gdyż z tego regionu sam pochodzi i jako jeden z pierwszych wprowadził i szerzył muzykę klubową w tym rejonie Polski. Uczestnik także wielu dużych eventów festiwali. Link do profilu artysty na Facebooku.

DJ Daso


DASO - na scenie klubowej pojawia się od ponad 15 lat. DJ, producent, promotor, dziennikarz muzyczny oraz prezenter radiowy, organizator wielu prestiżowych eventów na terenie całego kraju. Jego muzyka to starannie wyselekcjonowane najlepszej jakości house music!   Profil artysty na Facebooku.